At its current state, humanity consumes more than earth can produce for it. This year, Earth Overshoot Day was on the 29th of July (Earth Overshoot Day, 2019). That means that we have consumed as much natural resources by that time as the earth can renew in a whole year. Everything we consume past that date is excessive. If we continue this trend, we will need two earths by 2030 to provide for our consumption behaviour. Therefore, our economy is going to have to be based around more awareness for sustainability and circularity. The past decade a lot of attention has been given to more sustainable solutions to our environmental problems. Fossil fuels are getting replaced for greener alternatives and we are trying to find new sustainable solutions for our energy consumption. We have to become a circular economy. A big challenge facing us on the journey to become circular is waste transition. Waste management needs to be improved thoroughly when it comes to circularity.

S. Vermeulen
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

M.T.J. Kraan. (2019, August 16). Organic Household Waste Management in Rotterdam. Business Economics. Retrieved from