Preface Labour is often considered as a cost instead of a resource. This negative perspective is due to a lack of insight in the returns a company will receive from labour. Labour will only be accepted as a resource, which has to be maximized, if it can be reflected by indicators of employee performance that are linked to a company’s operational and financial performance. Then, HR policy will be aimed at investments in employees in order to create value for an organisation. The high performance work system appears to be such an investment. This study examines how the HPWS will add value in an organisation but, even more important, if it applies for different types of organisations (in terms of firm size). At last, a few words of appreciation to my coordinator and co-reader: In het bijzonder ben ik dr. A. van Stel erkentelijk voor zijn inspirerende opmerkingen en onze gesprekken waarin ik mijn gedachten mede heb kunnen vormen en aanscherpen. Drs. P. van der Zwan bedank ik voor zijn bereidwilligheid om als meelezer op te treden.

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Stel, A. van, Zwan, P. van der
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Kortekaas, Fons. (2007, December 7). HRM, organisational performance and the role of firm size. Business Economics. Retrieved from