With the digital age and introduction of new developing technologies this research paper is based on the shifts such as streaming platforms, new business models and strategies that have been introduced in the modern music industry. As these introductions became more prominent the question of authenticity is highlighted as an integral concept within this research. Authenticity and its construction within the introduction of (un)conventional strategies within labels. By stating that, the research question of this paper is based on; “How and for which aesthetic-political reasons is the term (un)conventional used by Rotterdam-based musicians in regards to, the construction of (contemporary) authenticity and its values?” The theoretical framework will introduce the concepts that are relevant for answering the research questions and link existing theories of the music industry with the term (un)conventional. The methodology of this research is based on a qualitative perspective using grounded theory and semi-structured interviews that delve into the music industry. Thirteen interviews were done with Rotterdam-based, DJ, music producer or a major stakeholder in the local music industry. The data collected from these interviews were analysed with open coding using the program Atlas ti. After the analysis, the results were presented in separate chapters that connect with the existing theory examined in the theoretical framework in order to realize connections and new angles for the research. One of the main results acknowledge was that the definition of authenticity is dependent on the artist’s identity, originality and exclusivity. The identification of the term (un)conventional was also made in connection with authenticity and its values. The concluding chapter revolves around fulfilling the sub-questions and research question in relation to the results and the theory examined. The subquestions were “how is authenticity in the modern music industry constructed?” and “does digitization have an influence on an artist’s authenticity levels?” Thus, the concluding statement is that the case of the term (un)conventional and its relation to the construction of authenticity is based on several variables that include digitization and its influence on artists. Moreover, several further research topics surfaced such as the successfulness of (un)conventional labels within real-life practices and how might one define successfulness?

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N. van Poecke
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

S. Awad. (2019, June 14). Re-defining Authenticity in the Modern Music Industry. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/49418