Preface This thesis is the result of study that reveals inefficiencies and provides solutions to improve efficiency in an existing feeder chain; “the Rotterdam-Humber corridor”. By improving efficiency Port of Rotterdam should be able to attract more cargo from Middle and North UK. Gathering data to reveal inefficiencies and constructing a model for analysis was a difficult and time consuming work. To get the needed information a lot of interviews with different companies were conducted. Nevertheless, I have conducted this research with a lot of enthusiasm and devotion. The results are presented in the thesis you are about to read. I conducted this research for the Department Corporate Strategy of Port of Rotterdam N.V. and to finish my study Business & Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I always have had a fascination for ports and big (container) vessels. When I got the opportunity to combine the writing of my thesis with an internship at Port of Rotterdam, I did not have to think twice to seize that opportunity. Although I wrote this thesis by myself, it would not have been possible without the help and support of a lot of people. Particular, I would like to sincerely thank Peter de Langen and Michiel Nijdam, who have supported me during the process and always gave me useful feedback. I would also like to thank the people at Port of Rotterdam and the companies I interviewed, who in spite of their busy agendas, always made time for me to give me useful feedback and information to write my thesis. Particular, I would like to thank the Department Corporate Strategy at Port of Rotterdam for the ability to participate in their daily business and for all the good moments I have experienced. With the finishing of my thesis I also finish a period of 7 wonderful years of studying in Rotterdam. During these years I gained a lot of knowledge via my studies Business & Economics and International Marketing Management. This would not have been possible without the support of my parents. I would like to thank them for the opportunity and trust they always had in me. Especially, I would like to thank my dad because he always made time to help me with difficulties regarding my thesis during his own busy job. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my family and friends for the support they gave me. I hope you will read this thesis with pleasure while it simultaneously informs you about a, in my point of view, very interesting topic. Patrick Vroegop Rotterdam, 2008

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Nijdam, Michiel, Langen de, P.W.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Vroegop, Patrick Vincent. (2008, November). The future of Feedering the Humber. Business Economics. Retrieved from