The thesis explores the role of culture as an agent of regeneration and development in relation to modern economic transformations. The notion of “Culture” will be used to identify both the cultural sector as an economic actor and, in an anthropological sense, the set of meanings, rituals and practices that define groups identity. The thesis aims at understanding if and how culture, defined this way, can constitute a point of reference in political and economic discussions about inclusive development. To guide the reader, the analysis will focus on the role of top-down and state-led development strategies in comparison to bottom-up approaches. In the latter, culture could stand out as an engine of inclusive economic development. The research is inductive and explorative, and it is supported by the investigation of two case studies of urban regeneration in Milan, Italy

, , , , , ,
A. Klamer
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

A. Giacomo. (2019, September 22). The Role of Culture for Inclusive Development New theoretical approach and empirical evidence. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from