How developing countries should design their export diversification strategies to provoke stable growth patterns has remained an incomplete answered question in the economic trade literature. This research adopts a factor proportions approach in an attempt to contribute to this question, by analyzing how changing production capabilities affect both the emergence and growth of exports from developing countries. A key contribution of this paper to the existing literature on factor proportions models is the separation of the impact of two distinct mechanisms that determine the evolution of these capabilities: changes in factor endowments and changes in production structures. The global evidence provided by this paper is consistent with the view that factor proportions are a precondition for export sustainability and growth, rather than strict determinants of what a country should produce. In particular, this paper demonstrates that changes in endowments have a substantial impact on export growth. On the contrary, production structure changes affect the emergence of new exports, but the size of this effect is almost negligible.

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Bosker, E.M.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Bekkers, M.H.J. (2020, March 25). The Emergence and Growth of Developing Countries’ Exports – a Dynamic Factor Proportions Approach.. Business Economics. Retrieved from