Using a panel of 25 European countries between 1990 and 2015, this thesis empirically examines the relationship between bank lending and income inequality. Bank lending is disaggregated into credit to non-bank financial institutions, credit to households for consumption purposes, mortgages and credit non-financial firms. As dependent variables, Income shares of the top 10% and the bottom 50% of the distribution of incomes are considered. The literature relating financial developments and income inequality indicate several transmission channels: increased investment, human and physical capital accumulation and increased wages suggest a negative relationship, while realised capital gains and high wages in the financial sector could positively affect income inequality. This empirical analysis finds that while lending to the non-bank financial sector is robustly linked to an increase in the income share for the top 10% of the income distribution, no other credit channel consistently correlates with changes in income inequality.

Spiritus, K.F.J.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Caccia, E. (2020, May 11). The effect of Bank lending on Income inequality in Europe: Evidence from disaggregated credit channels.. Business Economics. Retrieved from