This study aims at understanding the role of feminist values in bridging the gender gap in the technology sector in the Netherlands. Statistics show that inherent inequalities are observed in the Dutch tech sector, namely the underrepresentation of women in the industry, the prevalence of male dominance in senior management positions, and the gender pay gap. These structural problems in tech contribute to the marginalization of women and other underrepresented groups in the industry and as such create serious implications for the wider society, such as less diverse tech teams that may result in biased technologies leading to discriminatory consequences. Hence, there is a push to diversify the workforce to integrate feminist values into the design systems of technologies. Several initiatives have sprung in recent years in the Netherlands to promote more women and diversity in tech and create a more equitable tech industry, which will be referred to as #WomenInTechnology initiatives in this thesis. This study analyzed how these initiatives construe feminism and embed such values in their missions. For this purpose, in-depth interviews as a qualitative research method were conducted with 8 representatives of #WomenInTechnology initiatives. The results of the interviews uncovered valuable insights into the extent of impact and approaches of feminist initiatives in the tech scene in the Netherlands. The findings reveal the industry’s approach to diversity, the discourse of a Dutch feminism indigenous to the cultural context of the country, and the guiding values shaping the mission of the #WomenInTechnology initiatives. Overall, a marked shift in the tech scene has been identified with diversity promotion increasingly becoming an area of interest to companies. To conclude, this study contributes to the gaps in the literature on diversity and inclusion in tech and values in design.

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Arora, P.
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Başaran, Ayşegül. (2020, June 29). CROSS-CULTURAL FEMINIST TECHNOLOGIES: The Role of Feminist Values in Bringing Gender Equity to the Tech Sector in the Netherlands. Media & Business. Retrieved from