Does the type of online advertisement truly matter? This research examines the differences that traditional advertisements, side banner advertisements, product placement advertisements and influencer advertisements have on brand image and advertising perceptions. This was achieved by examining the differences between each type of advertisement by testing the level of advertising liking, advertising engagement and advertising skepticism. The different types of advertisements were chosen as they frequently occur on the internet. According to previous literature, there are differences in how effective each type of advertisement is. Here, literature explains that traditional advertisements, product placement advertisements and side banner advertisements are effective when introducing a product or brands. While this is also the case for influencer advertisements, these are additionally effective when engaging consumers. When analyzing how important advertising liking and engagement can be when talking about brand attitudes, previous literature explains that these two factors help to form the image of the company. To test this, an online survey was conducted in which women were exposed to a type of advertisement for the brand Clinique Laboratories, with a sample size of 144. Among the questions, participants were asked to answer different statements regarding advertising liking, advertising engagement, advertising skepticism and brand attitudes. Additionally, participants were also asked about their previous knowledge of the brand and the advertisements. The results of this showed that indeed there is a difference between the types of advertisement, in particular that advertising liking and advertising engagement can predict positive brand attitudes. When testing for which type of advertisements were most effective, traditional advertisements was indeed found to be the most effective regarding advertising liking, followed by influencer advertising. Although traditional advertisements were more effective, influencer advertisements showed that it could also be effective during the introductory phases. Finally, with regard to advertising engagement, as expected influencer advertisements were shown to be the most effective, supporting previous literature. Thus, this result suggests the importance of the type of advertisement, depending on the goal of the company.

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Opree, S.
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Ochoa Ferrazzini, Maged. (2020, June 29). Does the type of online advertisement matter? Outcomes of advertising and brand perception of traditional, side banner, product placement and influencer advertisements.. Media & Business. Retrieved from