As asserted by the World Health Organization (WHO 2002), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Participation in sport has in many cases and studies have been identified as a tool for promoting health and social benefits. Nevertheless, People with disabilities are not given equal opportunities as their abled bodied counterparts. This study through a qualitative research method explores the benefits and barriers encountered by people with various disabilities. This study was to give an insight of the role of participating in competitive sports plays in the lives of PWDs and the findings reported that as a result of their involvement in sports they had positive perceptions about themselves, they learnt to focus more on their strength and ability, their health improved, they felt empowered and included. There were also stumbling blocks encountered in the process; financial constraints, nonchalant attitude of the Government towards their matters as well as lack of assistive equipment for ease of movement. The essence of embarking on this study is to create an awareness on the benefits and barriers of participating in sports in the lives of PWDs so that the concerned stakeholders can do all in their power to implement appropriate laws and sport policies that will be disability Inclusive. This will improve their participation as well as improve their overall quality of life.

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Biekart, Kees
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Osuoji, Ugochi. (2020, December 18). A means to an end: Promoting sport participation amongst the disabled in Nigeria as a vehicle to fostering their inclusion and well being. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from