In this research I am looking into the formation, implementation of actions and habits, completed environmentally conscious people, working in the most polluting industries. With the findings of this research, I wish to create a basis for further research of the sociological and psychological factors, influencing pro-environmental behaviour. The research question that I wished to uncover was: How does the professional identity of people working in large corporations relate to their personal sustainability ideals? To answer the research question, I first examine the developments of environmental sustainability ideals in society, particularly to the changing attitude of the last decade. Second, I analyse the psychological and sociological concepts that may influence the formation of pro-environmental behaviour. Finally, 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with environmentally sustainable individuals working in highly polluting industries. The study revealed that because of their exposure, companies, operating in unsustainable fields have created very extensive environmental sustainability for their employees. Significant differences in cultural mentality were observed between companies, operating in Europe and other regions. The main factors, influencing pro-environmental behaviour were established as: personal social circles; consumed information channels, and policy in the country of residence. Economic reasons were the most common to restrict successful execution of pro-environmental behaviour.

, , , , , , ,
Michael, J.
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Peckaitis , P. (2020, July 24). Environmental sustainability in an unsustainable world: Why do environmentally responsible individuals work in environmentally unsustainable industries?. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from