Preface This thesis is the completion of my MSE Urban, Port and Transport Economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. It is the result of my internship at Spark bv in Leidschendam. Spark is a consultancy company advising public and private parties in the development and exploitation of parking provision. The subject of the thesis is the performance of parking garages in relation with the urban environment. The research in this field of parking is quite limited until now and my wish is to provide useful findings to the parking industry. Special thanks go out to my supervisor, Giuliano Mingardo, for his useful suggestions and recommendations. I would also like to thank Ernst Bos and his colleagues form Spark for their efforts to collect the necessary data. And finally, thanks to Erik Braun for reading my thesis. It was very interesting to do this research and I am convinced that the MSE Urban, Port and Transport Economics is the most interesting phase of my academic career. The God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God. (Psalms 68:35)

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Mingardo, G, Braun, E
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Garde, Kees van der. (2009, August). Performance of parking garages Evidence from the Netherlands. Business Economics. Retrieved from