The importance of creativity and innovation is rising and rising. Organizations are expected to keep up with the changing pace of consumer demand and need to change directions to survive. To operate creatively, both individuals and organizations need to be aware of the most important attributes that need to be developed. In this thesis, the literature will be explored to find efficient ways for individuals and organizations to cope with creativity. Along this survey, creativity will be defined from many dimensions, the individual components as well as the characteristics of the creative individual will be described, the most important practices and capabilities of organizations will be discussed and the impeding individual and organizational barriers that dampen the creative process will be highlighted. To give my research more theoretical evidence, two conceptual models regarding organizational creativity will be explained and some practical example will demonstrate how organizations nowadays and in the past have tried to cope with creativity inside their individuals is far from easy and complex. Together with finding a balance in the creativity stimulating resources – knowledge, intellectual abilities, thinking styles, personality, motivation and environment – and the impeding barriers to creativity, it is clear that unlocking creativity demands a huge amount of effort from every organization. In short, this thesis will guide you through the long and complicated road of individual and organizational creativity.

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Dejardin, M.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Kock, J.J.W. (2009, August). The main steps to creativity for the individual and the organisation. Business Economics. Retrieved from