The global established order as dictated by capitalism, depends on infinite growth from a finite planet. This may lead towards a scorched planet instead of fulfilling humanity’s dreams. Sociological Imagination should do justice to the natural limitations of the planet whilst accommodating its inhabitants in an egalitarian society. That grounded normativity could serve as a global moral compass for change towards a more inclusive ecology, handing pragmatism an alternative to its economic yardstick. The key towards such change lies in a more involved understanding of education. Education should replace today’s schooling. Schooling is controlled by the authorities and mainly suits the established order. This should be changed to a more holistic approach, involving parents and teachers to achieve a broader education specifically aimed at the social aspects within the ecology. Research with multifarious focus groups was conducted to find out what would be needed to achieve a more social focus of the societal order. The focus groups highlighted the importance of communication and the desirability of a dedicated approach to education. An approach that should bear fruit over the next hundred years, as subsequent generations work towards a more sustainable and equitable order of society, keeping their eye on the prize, the diamond on the horizon.

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Prof. Dr. W. Schinkel, Dr. J.L. Bier
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Pim Tiddens. (2021, June 20). The Social as a Diamond on the Horizon. Sociology. Retrieved from