We live in a time where people are shifting their economic beliefs and views towards new, circular, sustainable economics. These are economic perspectives focussed on values, transformation, development, and responding to the current unsustainable economic systems. There are new monetary systems being created that focus on local sustainable economic development and building social capital in communities. These so-called community currencies are created based on a value-based approach, representing the core values of a community. This research presents a case study about a non-profit foundation and the potential that a community currency can have to create social alliances between the initiatives it supports. This study applies a value-based approach and presents how core values can be identified to form a basis for creating a community currency. This research makes use of a qualitative content analysis method for which 13 interviews with stakeholders were held. The result shows what the core values of the non-profit are to form the basis of a community currency and that a community currency is not the best solution towards reaching their goal of creating more social alliances.

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dr. Pawan Bhansing
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Wisse Wagenaar. (2021, March 31). The value of community currency in creating a social alliance for Pleindoneren. Media & Business. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/60661