The Dutch government has intensified efforts to increase non-Western women’s labor market participation as it appears they have difficulties in entering Dutch labor market. As regards to motherhood, having children might be a barrier to labor market participation of these women. For this research, Immigrant women from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been chosen as the target group. This research analyzes fertility decisions made by DRC women in the Netherlands, especially concerning the decision of entering motherhood, timing of childbirth, and the number of children. The purpose of this research is to determine the explanatory variables for the decisions regarding fertility among the first and second generation of DRC women. At the end of the report, based on the research findings, policy recommendation is given in order to increase labor market participation of this target group.

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Yerkes, Dr. M.A.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Bandi, Irene Christanti. (2009, November 9). Children in My Life.. Sociology. Retrieved from