In recent years a considerable number of studies have been undertaken concerning the assessment of interest groups and their influence in the EU and USA. However, little can be acquired from the literature regarding this knowledge outside of both of these environments. Therefore, this study aimed to assess conditions for policy influence of local government associations in Brazil and the Netherlands. This comparative case study carried out an exploratory research, based on interviews, a questionnaire, and document analysis. Specifically, this study looked at factors that according to the literature determine influence and scrutinizes these factors within the cases. The findings showed that both associations are relatively successful in influencing technical aspects of certain policies. However, when they try to change the core of the policies they seem to be unsuccessful, since the presence of countervailing forces and the number of vested interests seem to be intensified.

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Daemen, Dr. H.H.F.M., Haverland, Dr.M.
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Macedo de Jesus, Anderson. (2009, November 13). How do local government associations influence policy?. Public Administration. Retrieved from