Today we are living in the creative age. Creative economy is a hype, books are written, research is done and municipalities invest resources to develop their creative cluster. The thesis ‘creative economy in 17th century Rotterdam’ doubts about this new form of economy. Is the creative economy really that new? Or are we pointing attention at an always present sector? After an introduction in today’s literature the research looks at the creative economy of 17th century Rotterdam. Cluster theory, definitions of creative economy and local economic development will introduce local economics and creative economy. Effects declared in literature today will be positioned next to the developments in the golden age. The guilds played also an important role in the development of the market. Goldsmiths, painters, majolica workshops, theatre, literature and book pressing, and of course the market for art and paintings will be used to illustrate the idea that the creative sector was always very important for Rotterdam. The point made in the thesis is that creative economy is not new, just fashionable.

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Vermeylen, dr. F.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Glopper, M. de. (2009, August 28). Creative Economy in 17th Century Rotterdam. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from