Female chauvinist pigs, Weg met het deeltijdfeminisme, Stout; these days there are a lot of books introduced that tell us something about the roles women must acquire in contemporary society. The books could be entitled as emancipatory pamphlets, because of their innovating feminist messages. In national newspapers and newsmagazines the books are extensively reviewed by critics. These critics give their opinion about the possible feminist message the book comprises. Through the interpretation of this feminist message the critics are implicitly articulating ideologies about women’s roles in society, feminism and women’s emancipation that could be related to second wave feminism or third wave feminism. This research analyzes how books, that could be explained as emancipatory pamphlets, are received in book reviews and what this treat subsequently says about today’s level of the struggle between second wave feminism and third wave feminism. In the research, the treat of emancipatory pamphlets in book reviews completely focuses on the possible emancipatory roles of the author, the head person of the book and the book itself. Through the use of a discourse analysis in a self-developed measuring instrument, the linguistic usage of the emancipatory roles by book critics is mapped. By virtue of the communicated ideologies in book reviews with regard to femininity, feminism and women’s emancipation, this research shows that in the year of 2009, third wave feminist thoughts are flourishing in Dutch society. Until 2003, second wave feminist thoughts are dominant in society. With the analyzed emancipatory pamphlet Godin van de jacht (Van Royen, 2003) the struggle between both feminist waves is raising. Till 2007, thoughts of both waves are flourishing. There is no dominant feminist wave if we look at the treat of emancipatory pamphlets in book reviews. In 2007, with the introduction and criticizing of the emancipatory pamphlet Weg met het deeltijdfeminisme! (Mees), third wave feminist thoughts become dominant in Dutch society.

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Engelbert, Dr. J.M.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Stolk, Kim. (2009, August 31). Een onderzoek naar de hedendaagse stand in de strijd tussen denkbeelden uit het tweede golf- en derde golf feminisme aan de hand van de ontvangst van emacipatorisch te duiden boeken in recensies. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/6410