This thesis investigates whether men and women perform differently when playing together as a team under competitive pressure. Recently, the concept of working in teams has been more widely developed and within these teams female participation has increased. Most research done on gender differences however, does not include this important development. This thesis investigates whether men and women perform differently when playing as a team under pressure by researching a selection of data on the Dutch Korfball league 2008-2009. Existing literature claims that gender differences in performance exist. The two research methods used in this thesis lead to contradictory results. The first method finds no statistical significance in favour of a gender differences in performance under pressure whereas the alternative method does find evidence that indicates a gender difference in performance under pressure.

, , , ,
Delfgaauw, J.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Bemmel, C. van. (2009, December 17). Gender Difference in Performance Under Competitive Pressure. Business Economics. Retrieved from