The development of the Internet and the introduction of new technologies has led to changes in every field. The music one is the subject of this research where the aim is to understand if there has been a change in the role of gatekeepers due to the internet and music oriented social networks. This research is an exploration across the changes in the music industry, looking at social networks and their relationships with artists, consumers and gatekeepers. Through five research questions different points of view are explored. The broadest one investigate the music industry and its actors, their evolution due to the shift from old to new media. So first the traditional music industry is presented and then the emerging new players. Then two sociological approaches are used to better understand some concepts as network and actor and their relationships. Bourdieu and the Actor Network theory will explain some dynamics inside the music industry. Then the impact of social networks on traditional gatekeepers is analyzed followed by a possible birth of new digital gatekeepers. One of their task is to discover emerging artists, a role that has always been related to traditional gatekeepers. Through expert interviews I tried to discover if there is any collaboration or not among the new and traditional gatekeepers and to better understand if emerging artists still need the “recognition” by critics or can be famous just being part of a music oriented social networks. Finally, artists and consumers are questioned to check what possible benefits can emerge from a link with social networks. Expert interviews are made to gatekeepers as critics and record companies, consumers and artists. All the questions are related to changes in their jobs after the advent of social networks.

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Moons, A.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Consiglio, G. (2009, October 16). The Influence of the Internet and Social Networks in the Role of Gatekeepers in the Music Industry. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from