This study focuses on understanding the role played by rural women in southern Tolima within the framework of the peace process signed in 2016. The study provides a nuanced specific contextual framework, where it explains the situations of precariousness, gender di-vision in the work and what it has implied for the meaning of rural women who have lived in this region. Using participatory methods, it was possible to identify that the peace process has contributed to the recognition of the rights of rural women, where voice and association processes have been relevant. In the end, it is shown that gender is constructed through the relationship between social relations and the strategies that occur in the context of violence, where the understanding of the economic role that it fulfills will be key to the promotion of the solidarity economy. and labor formalization.

, , , , ,
Lee Pegler
Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES)
International Institute of Social Studies

Juan Manuel Moya Rodríguez. (2022, December 16). Rural women in Tolima: the story of gender, precarity, and peace. Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES). Retrieved from