This investigation is based on storytelling and aims at understanding and showing the role of the community cooking pots in the south of Bogotá during Colombia´s 2021 national strike. The investigation takes a decolonial perspective delinking from the idea of objectivity and retakes storytelling as a central tool for knowledge cultivation. Thus, through the voices of fictional characters, the stories show the role of the community cooking pots. For the analysis, this paper relates to Latinamerican and ground-based theories. It highlights the importance of different forms of resistance, including the production of commons, the body and the place.

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Rosalba Icaza
Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES)
International Institute of Social Studies

Sabina Bernal Galeano. (2022, December 16). Storytelling and resistance: community cooking pots in the south of Bogotá during Colombia’s national strike. Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES). Retrieved from