Whether they refer to it as Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) or Rights-Based Approach (RBA) the vast majority of development actors in ‘the north’ in the last 10 to 15 years has officially adopted such an approach to development. Oxfam-Novib has its official stance on rights-based approach and very few both inside and outside the organization doubt its commitment to this approach. Yet, many factors both internal and external to the organization influence the understanding and operationalisation of RBA by its staff. This research identifies the presence of various types of RBAs among staff, which while they are not mutually exclusive, can be seen as conflicting: visionary, pragmatic, Oxfam-aims-related, experienced versus inexperienced and intuitive. This study shows that such factors as resources, accountability, hierarchy and politics have a significant influence in constructing these different ‘versions’ of RBA. The author believes that perhaps these are too often underestimated as obstacles in implementing and internalising RBAs within northern NGOs, and in this case Oxfam-Novib. The paper reflects on whether a northern NGO can in fact realise its pledge to rights-based development or whether elements of its implementation are too contradictory to inherent intents of RBAs, particularly within the current operating climate of northern NGOs.

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Hintjens, Helen
Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Conin, Sophie. (2009, January). Rights-Based Approaches: an ‘inward look’ Exploring how contextual and organizational factors affect understandings of rights-based approaches inside a northern NGO: the case of Oxfam-Novib. Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/6639