Education through schooling is recently becoming an essential element in order to achieve higher quality of human capital especially on many developing countries. Since many developing countries’ economy is still based on the agricultural sector especially the sub-sector which producing food, the level of productivity in food production has to be increasing over time to supply the growing population. In this framework, the labour component in the production process plays a bigger role besides the physical capital since the land component is remained constant. This is the starting point from where the education policy for the farmer as the labour in farming production process has to be well-planned and managed. Furthermore, the better level of farmer education will support them in achieving a better income.

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Bedi, Arjun S.
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Pardede Wangi Siregar, Happy Joy. (2008, January). The Returns to Schooling for Foodcrop-Farming Households : A Study on Lampung, Indonesia. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from