This paper explores Solidarity Economy (SE) movement in Canoas –Brazil. Based on a case study of five SE initiatives, this research pretends to give a characterization of the Solidarity Economic Groups (SEGs) as entrepreneur and as an expression of collective action. Also it describes how members of SEGs share risks to face idiosyncratic risks. The development of SE in Canoas has been influenced by the continuous participation of public and private actors who have supported and guided SEGs to guaranty their sustainability. Moreover, reciprocal relations established among SEGs members have led them to strengthen solidarity and to share risks. Risk sharing among SEGs members is a common strategy to cope with health and income shocks and therefore it help to reduce vulnerability. However this paper considers that other formal insurance mechanisms could be a complement of risk sharing especially to face income shocks.
Local and Regional Development (LRD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Muñoz, Ma. Victoria Bejarano. (2008, November). Reducing Vulnerability for Solidarity Economic Groups (SEGs): A case study in Canoas - Brazil. Local and Regional Development (LRD). Retrieved from