The study focuses on the experiences of gender policing on queer women in Kerala, India. This study is important as it challenges the rigid gender binary system following the gender norms. It is relevant as it promotes and advocates for an inclusive society. The main research question seeks to answer how the gender expression of queer women play a role in their gender policing experiences. This study is conducted through a qualitative interviewing approach which took place in Kerala. The findings revealed that gender expression of a queer women is non-conforming to the gender binary system and hence as a regulatory mechanism, gender policing is undertaken.

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Misiedjan, Daphina
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Sivasankaran, Radha. (2023, December 20). Challenging conformity: experiences and impact of gender policing on the queer community in Kerala. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from