In a personal way, this RP was born from a wound that I had in me for a long time, but that I deliberately ignored, that wound was the feeling of being separated from the people I loved, being unable to love them and therefore, to love me. My way of seeing and understanding the world was burdened with categorizations, hierarchies and prejudices that came from a specific way of seeing and perceiving the world, i.e. the modern/colonial categories of thought. However, it was impossible for me to overcome them through the instruments they gave me, in other words, to heal my wound through categorizations and prejudices. Nonetheless, through the pilgrimage of differences and traveling worlds with my family, friends and market people, I soon discovered that there are diverse ways of perceiving, living and understanding the world that interact with those that oppress us and that we consciously or unconsciously reject, resist or even engage with the objective of creating life in opposition to death. I decided then to look at debt from this place of possibility which in my case was healing.

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Harcourt, Wendy
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Asmar Salazar, Sara. (2023, December 20). Healing from debt: transitions from debt as dispossession and debit as reciprocity?. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from