Access to information and freedom of expression are integral aspects of democratic process of governance. Citizens right to access and inspect public documents promotes openness, transparency, accountability in administration. This consequently promotes better controls over corruption and mismanagement, the bane of Indian democracy. India has evolved from a new nation, protective about its industry, culture and identity, to a nation welcoming globalization, privatisation and liberalization in early 1990s. From Official Secrecy Act, India has moved on to the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI). The RTI aims to empower the citizens and to enforce accountability of the duty bearers so that the money spent and actions taken were in accordance with the provisions of law. But to make it work, people's awareness, the willingness to struggle to exercise their rights and the duty bearers' commitment to greater is necessary. Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) is the local self-governing body that looks after the development of Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orissa. It serves as an interesting study. Every construction work undertaken carries official disclosures about the amount spent and work done. But the people's perception of high corruption and lack of openness has not changed substantially since 2005. This study revealed the workings and the different stakeholders' perspectives. There has been greater openness at the higher level, but, there is greater need for improvement at the lower level of the municipal corporation. The study suggests to the duty bearers must take the responsibility of providing free access to information seriously.

, , , , , , , ,
Hintjens, Helen
Governance and Democracy (G&D)
International Institute of Social Studies

Dei, Manorama. (2008, January). Implementing the Right to Information Act 2005 in Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC). Governance and Democracy (G&D). Retrieved from