This research investigates the representation of the Greek-Cypriot 2023 presidential elections in Turkish-Cypriot news media. In doing so it examines the impacts of media on national identity and peace-building in divided societies. By conducting a thematic analysis of five prominent Turkish-Cypriot newspapers, the study explores how media representations and discourses contribute to the construction of national identities and their implications for peace-building efforts. The research recognizes the pivotal role of media in shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards identity and conflict. Through a qualitative analysis of news articles and opinion pieces, the study identifies recurring themes and narratives related to media representation and national identity in the Cypriot media landscape. The findings reveal that media outlets in Cyprus play a significant role in reinforcing and perpetuating nationalist narratives and divisions. National identity is often portrayed in dichotomous terms, emphasizing the differences between Greek speaking Cypriots and Turkish speaking Cypriots while downplaying shared historical and cultural elements. However, the analysis also uncovers instances where the media demonstrates a more nuanced approach, providing space for dialogue, understanding, and alternative perspectives. These instances of constructive journalism offer glimpses of how media can contribute to peace-building by promoting inclusive narratives, challenging stereotypes, and fostering empathy among the communities.

dr. Maria Avraamidou
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Eugell Gökçekuş. (2023, August). Media Representation of National Identities in Divided Societies: The Turkish-Cypriot Media Coverage of the 2023 Presidential Election in the Republic of Cyprus. Media & Business. Retrieved from