In advertising, especially on Instagram, the concept of the male gaze is prevalent, impacting how women are portrayed and how society perceives femininity. The main research question of this study was “How does the male gaze manifest in marketing materials targeted at women in the context of Instagram and luxury perfume brands?”. By using a qualitative mixed-method approach, thematic analysis was used in a sample of 150 advertisements from 10 different luxury perfume brands, and MCDA was employed in a subset of 10 images from luxury perfume brands to get a more in-depth understanding of the meaning behind the symbols in the ads. The results showed distinctive patterns which revealed how gender representation, power relations, and beauty ideals interact in intricate ways. The thematic analysis made it clear that physical appearances are indicators of sexualization, femininity is portrayed as a gender norm, Western standards support racial misrepresentation, and submission reinforces power dynamics. The MCDA further reinforced the male gaze, which revealed patterns of objectification and sexualization, gender stereotypes and traditional roles, exoticization and othering, beauty and body ideals, and empowerment and agency. The research of these ads strongly implies that the male gaze manifests in a variety of ways in the luxury perfume industry on Instagram. The male gaze persists, perpetuating objectification, traditional gender roles, and unattainable beauty standards despite a few transgressor elements in the data. Further, these findings contribute to the impact of the male gaze on ads and how women are depicted. This study highlights the need for a more diverse and empowering approach to marketing materials in the luxury perfume industry and beyond by critically investigating the manifestation of the male gaze. Promoting a society that values gender equality, diversity, and empowerment requires acknowledging and overcoming the male gaze.

dr. Khanh Nguyen
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Marta Fernández Gallardo. (2023, August). Decoding the Male Gaze. Media & Business. Retrieved from