The increasing globalization of workforces presents organizations with both challenges and opportunities in creating an inclusive environment. Effective leadership communication styles play a crucial role in motivating diverse teams and influencing positive workgroup outcomes. This thesis examines the predictive value of various leadership communication styles on workgroup outcomes, as well as the potential mediating role of a climate of inclusion in the workplace. A quantitative study was conducted among individuals working in teams, involving a sample size of N = 158. Through the utilization of regression and mediation analyses, the relationship between precise, verbally aggressive, questioningness, emotional, and impression leadership communication styles and four workgroup outcomes, namely job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intention to leave, and job stress, was examined. The findings of this research demonstrate strong predictive values for preciseness communication style across all four workgroup outcomes. Additionally, verbal aggressive communication styles were found to have significant predictive value on all four workgroup outcomes as well. Lastly, emotionality also showed to be a predictor for all four workgroup outcomes. Moreover, the analysis revealed that some of these relationships were partially mediated by the presence of a climate of inclusion in the workplace. These results highlight the importance of employing a precise communication style as a leader in order to encourage positive workgroup outcomes. Moreover, the findings emphasize the role of creating an inclusive climate in the workplace as a potential mediating factor for the relationship between leadership communication styles and workgroup outcomes. The implications of this research suggest that organizations should prioritize the development of leadership communication skills that promote preciseness while being mindful of the potential impacts of verbal aggression and emotional expression. Furthermore, fostering an inclusive climate within the workplace can enhance the positive effects of effective leadership communication on workgroup outcomes, and the mediating role that creating a climate of inclusion has in this relationship. By addressing the predictive value of various leadership communication styles and their relationship with workgroup outcomes, this study contributes to the existing literature on leadership and diversity management. It offers practical insights for leaders and organizations seeking to optimize their communication strategies and establish an inclusive environment resulting in positive workgroup outcomes.

dr. Joep Hofhuis
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Zoé Cornelis. (2023, August). The Impact of Leadership Communication Styles on Workgroup Outcomes through Inclusion Climate. Media & Business. Retrieved from