Augmented reality (AR) is an innovative tool that improves online shopping experience by allowing consumers to perceive virtual goods as part of their real world. Additionally, AR is considered as one of the technologies adopted by companies in order to achieve growth. AR is perceived as interactive, intuitive and engaging, in addition to facilitating and improving consumers’ shopping experience. Through the adoption of AR, consumers are able to virtually try products and observe items in a personalised context. This ultimately enhances the decision making process, confidence and reduces perceived risks of online shopping. Retaining online consumers’ purchase confidence is considered one of the key long term objectives for retailers to reach success. Previous literature has studied the relationship between AR technology and online consumers’ purchase intention. However, this field is not elaborately explored in some countries. For instance, with regard to Italy, it is possible to observe several research gaps. Therefore, this study aims to understand the degree to which consumers’ purchase intention is influenced by online shopping with AR technology in Italy. Quantitative research with a combined sampling method (purposive and snowball), factor analysis and multiple regression analysis are adopted to explore the main factors that are considered as influential on consumers’ purchase intention during online shopping. The findings of the research performed indicate a positive influence of AR tools on consumers’ purchase intention. Specifically, a positive and significant relationship is observed between spatial presence and consumers’ intention to purchase. However, no relationship is observed between the other two variables, perceived personalization and perceived intrusiveness, and purchase intention for Italian respondents. Additional exploratory research, conducted with ANOVA and t-test, show an absence of a relationship between participants’ educational level and purchase intention, and gender and purchase intention. After comparing the findings to previous literature, several elements of influence could be crucial in affecting the outcomes. Different cultural values or other elements such as educational level, age, gender and external factors could play a role in influencing the finding of this study. The results of this study can be considered a valuable contribution to businesses, policy makers and consumers. Both Italian and international companies that want to operate within the Italian market have the possibility to understand the effects of AR tools on consumers’ shopping experience, and on their intention to buy products online. This could inspire them to use this new technology within online platforms or apps in order to enhance consumers’ purchase intention. Furthermore, Italian policy makers have the opportunity to comprehend how impactful AR can be on consumers’ online activities and construct policies in regard to this.

dr. Freya de Keyzer
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Erika Del Vero. (2023, August). The Influence of Augmented Reality on Consumers’ Purchase Intention Within the Italian Online Retail Market. Media & Business. Retrieved from