This thesis examines the reuse of industrial heritage and its implications for future development, focusing on the case of Olivetti industrial heritage in Ivrea, Italy. The research adopts a mixedmethod approach, combining semi-structured interviews with 11 key stakeholders and ethnographic fieldwork. By exploring the synergies between values and the physical industrial spaces, this study seeks to explore the narratives about the future of Ivrea's industrial heritage. The findings reveal that tourism and its potential to generate economic advantages for the area play a significant role in shaping these narratives. However, the study also shows that, beyond the economic benefits, the actors involved in the reuse process draw inspiration from the intangible values of Olivetti's company. They recognise the potential of these values to enhance community well-being and contribute to the long-term development of the town. This study sheds light on the significance of considering both tangible and intangible aspects when designing policies for industrial heritage reuse. Moreover, this research contributes to the existing literature on industrial heritage reuse by examining the process as it unfolds. It goes beyond the mere analysis of issues and successes of industrial heritage reuse to investigate the ongoing making of the process. By doing so, it can provide valuable insights and helpful recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders involved in similar projects. Overall, this thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the reuse of Olivetti industrial heritage in Ivrea. It underscores the importance of understanding the multiple values associated with industrial heritage and their role in shaping future narratives. The findings can contribute to developing effective policies that harness the synergies between physical environments and people reusing them.

Dorus Hoebink
Tourism, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Nicolò Morando. (2023, August). The process of industrial heritage reuse as a future-making practice. Tourism, Culture & Society. Retrieved from