The creative economy represents an evolving and vibrant sector. Its societal relevance is evident both on the economic and cultural levels. However, traditional economics approaches tend to neglect the multifaceted articulation of non-monetary values that cultural products entail. This thesis focuses on addressing such complexities and shedding light on the interrelation of non-monetary values and their realisation in the cultural and creative sector. Consequently, the research question this thesis aims to answer is: What non-monetary values does TEDxVarese generate and how are they realised by the organisation? To be able to answer the question, this explanatory research engages with the case study of TEDxVarese, the independently organised TEDx event in the city of Varese (Italy). The research is based on the interviews conducted with the TEDxVarese members, differentiating them as either managers/team coordinators or volunteers. Besides, this research is developed through personal observation and analysis of secondary data. This research firstly shows the interrelation of values involved in the value system that supports the organisation. Next to this, the research demonstrates how TEDxVarese successfully realises the managers’ intended value of enhancement of the local community. This study further demonstrates that the societal-oriented value of local community enhancement is realised through another, unintended value realised by the organisation: the collegiality that TEDxVarese volunteers share with each other. Collegiality addresses both the social and societal dimensions, embodying a pivotal example of value interrelation. Next to this, the study demonstrates how the value of collegiality represents the shared good collectively owned among team members. Respectively, managers and volunteers adopt different perspectives towards the realisation of TEDxVarese’s intended values. While managers tend to assume a societal-oriented vision, volunteers’ experience mostly relate to the personal and/or social dimension. Yet, the volunteer social level represents the proper starting point for addressing society at large and, eventually, realising managers’ values. Moreover, the other values that managers strive to realise emerged as actualised to a significant extent. In particular, sharing ideas and knowledge, environmental commitment, and social engagement positively intertwine in the practices and initiatives that TEDxVarese undertakes.

Lyudmila Petrova
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Benedetta Veliconi. (2023, August). TEDxVarese AS A CATALYST OF PERSONAL, SOCIAL, SOCIETAL, AND CULTURAL VALUES. Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from