This thesis seeks to analyse the potential of partnerships in facilitating digital transformation in museums. In particular, this thesis examines how digital transformation can be applied in museums, with a focus on the dimensions of digital strategy, digital technology, and cultural innovation. It also considers the challenges museums face in this transformation, which is formulated in the following research question: “How can museums enhance digital transformation through collaborative partnerships?” Subsequently, this thesis analyses how partners could assist in overcoming these challenges. The analysis of these partnerships is conducted based on the dimensions of partner type, partner purpose, and partner involvement. Based on this, a model is developed. Although academic research provides sufficient evidence for the importance of digital transformation in museums, little explanation is found in how this process can best be approached in the cultural creative industries. Therefore, this study is conducted. An exploratory approach is adopted to investigate the potential of partnerships in transformation. For this reason, ten interviews were conducted with museum professionals and partners of museums. The analysis of these interviews indicates that museums recognize the importance of digital transformation, with each emphasising the importance of different dimensions. Which is aligned with the fact that everyone approaches digital transformation in their own way. However, challenges in finding sufficient human and financial resources are evident across all museums. It was acknowledged by participants that partners could assist in the provision of these resources in a variety of ways, including the transfer of knowledge, the initiation of joint developments, or the pooling of resources in other ways. Moreover, partners indicate great willingness to experiment and innovate together with museums towards digital transformation. Overall, three main types of partners were identified: Cultural, Public and Corporate partners. Each of these types may contribute to digital transformation in different ways and provide different resources. While it was thus confirmed that that partnerships can contribute to digital transformation by providing different resources needed for the various dimensions of digital transformation, insufficient information was available on how these different types of partners contribute specifically. Therefore, no specific relation between certain partners and resources are established, only a generic one. The thesis does however provide sufficient evidence and cases for museums to create a balance in partnerships that might work for them. Moreover, it offers academics new insights that can inform future, more detailed research.

Lenia Marques
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Yvonne van Santen. (2024, January 10). Transforming Museums: The Role of Partnerships in the Digital Transformation of Museums. Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from