The research paper answers the question, How are museum experts utilizing new technology to increase audience diversification through the two mechanisms of interactivity, and connectivity? In a Post-Covid world, museums are facing external and internal pressures and are in dire need to adapt to a new environment. Museums are adopting new marketing strategies to become financially sustainable such as audience diversification. New technology has been found to be an effective technique to benefit audience diversification through two specific mechanism: interactivity and connectivity. However, there is no research in how to effectively implement the drivers of these new technologies in a museum context. Through ten different semi-structured interviews of museum experts, the research untangles the different ways in which the new technology drivers of connectivity and interactivity increase or decrease audience diversification.

Joobin Ordoobody
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Anaïs de Potesta de Waleffe. (2024, January 10). Diversity is Key!. Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from