This research analyzes the different reasons leading the younger segment of the audience (between ages 18 to 35) to attend and engage in opera performances. In the paper, a model is developed analyzing the link between demographics, cultural background and personal motivations related on the one hand to traditional opera and on the other hand modern opera performances. The data is first analyzed for both genres (traditional and modern opera) and then is clustered in order to get more insights and results into the topic. This research is quantitative, from a deductive perspective and uses data collected through surveys which is analyzed through regressions. The musical aspect of the performance and its duration, and the first opera experience by the audience member are found to be key elements when talking about opera engagement. This gives an insight for cultural management policies, as these findings should be taken into consideration by opera houses to develop their audience.

Frans Brouwer
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Iago Campello Alvarez. (2024, January 10). Beyond music and libretto: To what extent do the motivations and reasons to attend operatic performances among young adults affect their likelihood to engage in traditional and modern opera?. Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from