The IMF is an organization that consists of 185 countries and is involved in a broad range of economic questions. The main goal of the IMF is to safeguard the financial stability in the world. This financial stability is seen as an important global public good. This paper investigates the main successes and failures of the IMF. The first sub-question will be about the main goals of the IMF. The next two questions are about the fundamental conditions for a well-functioning international organization and the successes and criticisms of the IMF in the past. The last part of the paper consists of the data-research. Three possible connections will be examined. First I will research the connection between the uses of IMF credits, corrected for the country’s GDP-size in relation with average annual GDP growth. Second I will discuss the connection between average annual gross capital formation growth and the use of IMF credit. The last question is: “To what kind of African countries does the money of the IMF go to?”