This study seeks to elucidate how development in Jeju Island is transforming inter-generational knowledge transmission and livelihood for haenyeos. Using tools of ethnographic research, participatory observation, semi- and un-structured interviews, transect walks, and focus group the research aims to understand the role development in three ways. First, by analyzing how the environmental knowledge is transmitted inter-generationally to identify the gaps. Secondly, diachronically looking at the political and economic institutions and processes that shape and expand those gaps further politicizing (re)production. To subsequently, understand what narratives are taking root diverging from the needed embodied and more-than human relationships that shapes the seascape. The research has led to discover the embodied – care, emotional, and mutually respected relations between the older haenyeos and their work is partially realized, known, and experienced by the younger haenyeos. Scalar analysis of the diachronic shifts in political and economic processes undergoing on the island reveal the expansionist agenda and narrative that hinders the reproduction of haenyeos and their seascape. Thus, suggesting alignment of strategies between generations by sharing knowledge that sheds light on the current material realities of haenyeos to demand the multispecies justice needed.

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Cortesi, Louisa
Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES)
International Institute of Social Studies

Kaur Murar, Harjas. (2023, December 20). Seascape of haenyeos: an inter-generational learning and living. Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES). Retrieved from