In conjoint analysis is selecting a data collection methods the one of the most important steps for a successfully analysis, therefore it is important to find the best data collection method. In this research we have examined the three data collection methods, (1) Best–scaling, where the respondent chooses the best product; (2) One pair best-worst scaling, where the respondent chooses the best and worst product and (3) Two pair best-worst scaling, where the respondent chooses 2 best and the 2 worst products. The collection methods will be analyzed were mobile phone is the product, in a conjoint analysis with partial ranking. Partial ranking is a new ranking method that eases the respondent burning for ranking. In this research we could not find a collection method that is significant better than the other. Because this problem is never been examined it gives information for a follow-up study.

Koning, A.J.
Erasmus School of Economics

Maria, M.D. (Marchella). (2010, August 31). Comparing three different data collection methods in conjoint analysis. Econometrie. Retrieved from