This thesis discusses the actual state of Triple Helix cooperation in the Rotterdam region. The Triple Helix is a concept of close cooperation between governments, industry and universities. This cooperation is profitable in enhancing innovation and economic growth in a region. Three important criteria for a well-functioning Triple Helix are being formulated in order to be able to evaluate Triple Helix Cooperation in regions. These criteria form the research framework for this thesis: 1. All relevant actors need to be convinced of the benefits of cooperation 2. A region should focus on one or a few knowledge-intensive focus sectors 3. A Triple Helix institute needs to be established in order to support the Triple Helix cooperation Helsinki and Eindhoven are presented as regions with a well-developed Triple Helix network. Helsinki and Eindhoven are both well known for their knowledge-intensive economies and their strong collaborations between universities, government and industry. With regard to the situation in Rotterdam this thesis argues that some promising initiatives have been taken, but that in order to level the criteria large efforts will have to be made by all relevant actors.

Meer, J. van der
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Plasier, H. (2010, September 7). Triple Helix Cooperation in the Rotterdam Region. Business Economics. Retrieved from