the purpose of my study is to develop a better understanding of the paradoxical situation museums are operating in. On the one hand museums are sheltered from the broader market by government policies in order for them to stay focused on the core of the organization, which is the generation of public goods. The problem however is that, as an organization on the other hand, they exist in a free market economy and are expected to compete with other businesses in a supply and demand framework. Various organizations are struggling in how to adapt to the new economy and changing their culture. For this reason it is interesting to take a closer look at ‘Beeld en Geluid’. From the perspective of professionalization it seems that this organization is more developed and ahead of other cultural organizations. It appears that ‘Beeld en Geluid’ is very aware of what the public demands and how to approach them, but is this also the case if we take a closer look? How are museums operating in the paradoxical situation of the new economy? And could we see ‘Beeld en Geluid’ as the museum of the future?

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Klamer, prof.dr. A.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Imminga, M. (2010, August 13). The paradoxical situation of museums in the "New Economy". Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from