This study tries fo compare rural-urban poverty in Pakistan and to see what policy implications this comparison can possibly have. The research begins with the premise that poverty experiences for the rural-urban poor are different and capturing those similarities or differences are important for tackling the poverty problem in spatial terms. The study stresses that conventional poverty measures are inadequate to address the multidimensionality of the phenomenon of poverty. A case is made for Livelihood Approach to better understand different dimensions of poverty in rural and urban areas. Some of the shortcomings of Livelihood Approach are also addressed, like quality of life and security dimension. The comparison is made in terms of conventional poverty measures, livelihood fi'wnework and in terms of provision of government services. The paper suggests that strengthening the asset base of the poor, especially of ·women and rural poor, should be an essence of any poverty measure. The institutions generally coni,,·train the livelihood opportunities of the poor in general and rural poor and }jlomen in particular. These institutions need to be made pro-poor. The paper argues for devolution of power and authority at local level, as the local people can better understand their realities and devise measures than the outsiders. There are certain rural- urban linkages, which need to be identtlled and strengthened.

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Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Dildar, Yask. (2009, December). Comparison of Rural-Urban Poverty and Its Policy Implications: The Case of Pakistan. Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD). Retrieved from