A single case study demonstrates a mechanism which is controlled by different consequences of labour migration as a dependent variable, presented in the example of Polish migrants to the Netherlands after Poland joined the European Union in 2004. The descriptive hypotheses derived through economical, social, political and legal perspectives shows an increasing number of Polish labour flows to the Netherlands and underlines macro-level dissemination of the labour market as the most frequent purpose of migration in selected cases. The investigative case study proves that all the motives are connected; however the paper highlights the economic reason as the most motivating cause of Poles migrating to Holland. The document demonstrates the political and legal difficulties obstructing the enforcement of regulations and laws between Polish and Dutch authorized labour migration in a moderately open society. Thus, the method exaggerated through using four perceptions effect on the labour market, by indentifying and considering their positively highlighted consequences.

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Hakvoort, Dr. J.L.M., Colijn, Prof.Dr. J.
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Wojakowska, G. (2010, November 11). Polish workers in the Netherlands.. Public Administration. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/8492