This study is concerned with the way in which self-determination is framed in the dis-course, actions and proposals of contemporary social movements in Papua (1998-2010). As well as the historical emergence of the movements it also explores the un-derstanding and presentation of the problems of Papua today. In addition, it examines how these movements propose solutions in regard to human rights and development agenda. The main sources of information included interviews with key social movement actors in present-day Papua and documents and/or publications they produced. These as-sisted in revealing shared perspectives and agendas, which are not always visible or obvious from an external perspective. The main challenge of this research was trying to link central social science concepts of human rights and development, to Papuan social movements‘ own analyses, in terms of past wrongs, present injustices and future hopes. Nonetheless, self-determination emerged as the key conjoining concept, used by the movements as well as in social science. Further, among the key findings of this study included the importance of the discourse of ‗memoria passionis‘ (memories of suf-fering) as a diagnostic frame and self-determination, as prognostic frame for Papuan problems. ‗Memoria passionis‘ is a way by which social movements may express shared problems that emerged from the integration of Papua into Indonesia since 1962, combined with development hazards, marginalization of indigenous people and state-sponsored violence. The study demonstrates how self-determination has been rede-fined since 1998 as a framework for future solutions, not only in a political sense but more pragmatically, in economic and cultural terms. The notion of self-determination praxis by social movements aslo have potentials to change the concept and practice of human rights and development in the future.

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Hintjens, Helen
Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Dale, Cypri Jehan Paju. (2010, December 17). Redefining Self-determination:. Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS). Retrieved from