The multidimensional nature of child poverty requires a multi-pronged approach in effectively tackling it. This study set out to examine the extent to which CT-OVC program in Kenya addresses the multidimensionality of child poverty for orphans and vulnerable children. Data was collected from a sample of 26 households in Kibera, Nairobi one of the largest slums in Africa. Using intersectionality as an analytical framework the study sought to find out community defined vulnerability concepts and indicators, and the efficacy of the CT-OVC program in addressing them, I argue that there is need to use responsive frameworks that are inclusive of community perspectives and views including children in tackling child poverty.

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Okwany, Auma
Children and Youth Studies (CYS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Okumu, Mical Auma Eve. (2010, December 17). How do cash transfers address the multidimensionality of child poverty and vulnerability in Kenya?. Children and Youth Studies (CYS). Retrieved from