This research paper aims to analyse the experiences of participatory development projects in Isla de Chira, Costa Rica. The study focuses on participation in development, an issue that has attracted the attention of academics and development practitioners in the last decades. To contribute to this discussion three development projects in Isla de Chira were selected as case studies: Seeding Pianguas Project, Cabinas La Amistad Project, and Handmade Craft Project. The nature of participatory development interventions have been asses with the aim of identifying the type and level of participation in the stages of the project cycle, and analysing the practice of participatory development at the grassroots level. The research found that although the projects claimed to be participatory, not all of them involved local people in a process through which participation could cause empowerment and/or the project’s sustainability. The results of people’s participation in the activities were influenced by the amount of re-sources, the social structure in the community, socio-cultural factors, power relations, organization, and institutional support. These findings suggest that designing participatory development projects require a profound understanding of the communities’ social, economical, cultural, and geographic specific environments. Additionally, to achieve the project’s success, local people must be provided with resources, information, skills, and institutional support. Relevance to Development Studies In the last decades development practitioners claimed that people’s participation can increase the efficiency, self-reliance, and sustainability of development interventions. However, community’s involvement is full of complexities and participatory interventions take different shapes and forms. This research aims to provide a deep analysis on the interaction between the stakeholders, within the project members, and the power structures immerse in such relations. Also, the study assesses the level and type of participation of the community during the project cycle. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a better understanding of community participation as the essence of local development and its importance for people’s welfare.

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Pellegrini, Lorenzo
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

López Salazar, Laura. (2010, December 17). Participation and Local Development Projects: Case Studies Isla de Chira, Costa Rica. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from