Abstract This research is concerned with the way parking affects retail. The area the research has taken place in is the Nieuwe Binnenweg. The perception of three groups about the area and its parking policy is compared. These groups are: entrepreneurs with a business located in the Nieuwe Binnenweg, shoppers in the Nieuwe Binnenweg, and residents living in the Nieuwe Binnenweg. Some of the issues this research is concerned with in particular are: the modal split of shoppers, how parking policy affects the various groups, and how parking policy might affect certain factors in the future. The most interesting outcomes of this research are that entrepreneurs seem to overvalue parking in close proximity to their shops, however, one could explain this by the amount of spending of shoppers who come to the area by means of a car. Besides that, it is quite interesting that about half of the shopping public in the Nieuwe Binnenweg lives reasonably close to the Nieuwe Binnenweg. Furthermore, it is found that parking for residents is relatively cheap. Especially compared to what shoppers visiting the area by car have to pay. Residents themselves also consider the price they have to pay for parking their car quite low, as it is found that the willingness of residents to pay for a parking spot is much higher than the current tariff.

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Mingardo, G, Otgaar, A.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Bulk, L. van de. (2011, January 7). Parking & Retail. Business Economics. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/8851