The main focus of studies in the field of urban economics is the economic impact of culture. The intention of these studies is to measure the economic influence of culture on the local economy. These studies show a lot of methodological difficulties and their conclusions are therefore not always providing us with more insight in this economic influence of culture. However not all cultural activity still has to prove its contribution to economic welfare, think for example of the creative industries and its organizations. These organizations are important for the economic development of a region, simply because they produce services and create jobs. This thesis contributes to the knowledge about the location decision making process of these creative organizations. We look at the important factors they weigh in choosing the right location for their organization. This thesis focuses on one specific case, the fashion designers in the city of Arnhem. In order to find out what the important location factors are for these fashion designers, three sets of location factors have been formulated. These sets of location factors, designed by Kappers (2009), all find their rationale in different viewpoints. The conventional, economic location factors treat an organization individually, with its main objective to lower its costs and improving its margins. The second group of location factors approaches the organizations as part of a cluster, and points out the benefits that cooperation can bring. These positive externalities can both be economic and non-economic. The final group of location factors, the Quality of Place location factors, also focuses on the region around the organization; the people, the cultural activities and possibilities to live a creative life. These three sets of location factors form the bases of this research. By handing out a questionnaire to the fashion designers in Arnhem, on these three sets of location factors, this thesis could draw some conclusions about the important location decision of Arnhem fashion designers. The results concluded that clustering location factors are rated as most important among the fashion designers in the city of Arnhem. They have been rated significantly more important over the conventional location factors, and almost significantly more important over the Quality of Place location factors. However as the research shows the Arnhem fashion designers prove to be a very specific type of industry. So even though this research contributes to a better understanding of the location pattern of creative organizations, comparative research should be conducted.

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Vermeylen, dr. F.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Don, M. (2011, April 27). The fashion behind the Location. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from